Affordable Bloom Box from Farm Florist

By Chaayen
Sometimes a woman should just keep her thoughts to herself. When I was a lot younger, I thought I was not much of a fan of flowers since they don't live long. And so ever since the only flowers I ever really got was for our wedding. But as I aged and sometimes purchase bouquets for my mother or other women mentors for special occassion in their life, I started to appreciate why these blooms bring so much joy to people.
My Dad on the other hand love his plants and flowers and the reason he gave was simple "humans all love pretty things...and a well-arranged bouquet is very pleasing to the eye" On my dating anniversary, Farm Florist sent over a Bloom Box which made my Dad over the moon. The Hub was a bit suspicious which made me a little pleased. Maybe he will be a little jealous and get the hint.
Affordable Bloom Box from Farm Florist
This is my first ever bloom box by the way. Bloom Boxes are a cheaper alternatives to bouquets. I think they make very good housewarming deco and farewell gifts to ladies at offices. However, please don't give your lover this cos girls still prefer to hug a bouquet. If you are wondering why they are cheaper, it because the back of the box usually rather bare. For Farm Florist, I have to say that I am quite impressed cos the foliage at the back also look good. 
This is the Surprise Roses Bloom Box - Large (valued at $65 with free delivery). It is quite value-for-money. However, you don't really get a say in what you get. Nonetheless, I was quite pleasantly surprised because I really like the arrangement and that wild vibe to it (in particular the purple thistles and fruit-like plant). It took me a while before I figured that this looked very similar to my wedding flowers. No wonder I love them so much!
Affordable Bloom Box from Farm Florist
The only grouse I have with flowers is that they die a bit too fast for comfort, so me trying to be smart, attempted to graft out the green plants so that I could at least hold on to whatever remainder of the Bloom Box I had. I was scolded by my father because he said I destroyed the beauty of nature. For info, none of the photos in this post required further edit. 
The Bloom Box was so gorgeous that my Dad and Hub could not differentiate whether some of the plants were real. My Dad even stuffed his face to sniff around and tore out a few parts to verify. Oh gawd, so who is the real destroyer of nature now! I hope my grafting survive because I want to show off these babies and that I have a green thumb during my housewarming!