
By Nuttercouture23 @AnikaLovelace
                                                               (source: all over the internet)
This post I decided to dedicate to one of my favorite photographers, Neil Krug. Worldwide known for his cooperations with some music bands, whose covers are adorned with his photos!!! But all in all, I totally adore his style - landscapes, women's bodies, nature - the way he can express spirit of the past time. That's why his photos seems so vintage. I would definitely really like to own his photography skills. And hope that will be able to see his movie Invisible Pyramid...
   (source: we <3 it, ringchic, LF stores)
This season I'm also obsessed with Aztec pattern (last year I was obsessed with flowers). I couldn't resist to make this mish-mash collage to remind me of what I want. In the last time I'm getting interested in Native cultures and folklores from all over the world, especially Asian, South American, Australian, of New Zealand,...with the major focus in their art. Currently,  I'm hooked on this and am exploring stores and net to buy some clothes with this patterns, embroidery, etc. So far I have only sweater and waistcoat that I've bought in one 2nd hand shop, and I was so happy when I saw a little label inside - "Made in Guatemala". But I won't stop yet, next thing that I'm starting to spare my money for the backpack with the Native Central/South American pattern!!! Wish me luck :)