Affairs of the Heart

By Judithmiddleton

Ashley Madison, the marital affairs dating agency which advertises on the internet with the message “Have an Affair – Guaranteed; Life is short,” has made the headlines today by revealing the results of a survey it has undertaken. Apparently they identify Manchester as the online adultery capital with purportedly 3.7% of its population subscribing to its site.

I don’t know whether there’s any connection but co-incidentally has also published the results of its findings concerning bad driving habits including the inappropriate footwear that people drive their cars in. Surprise, surprise slippers even figure, leading one to wonder if the same 3.7% of Manchester wear them as they discreetly slip away from their secret meeting places.

Mind if you are concerned that all this media hype will lead to more people being encouraged into cheating on their spouses, you can take comfort from the Daily Mail’s ability to promote responsible journalism. Directly beneath its article on dating websites, it subtly explained the results of an American Heart Association report. It carried the headline: “Men more likely to drop dead from heart attack during extramarital sex.”

No reader can say they have not been warned!