Advice from the Pure of Heart #SachchiAdvice

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
I've been fighting a loosing battle these last few years.Every passing day, my clothes have become progressively tighter and I have switched my fashion sense to wearing loose ,ill fitting kurtis with ginormous salwars.And then my favorite denims have been pushed to the back of my cupboards or stashed into suitcases never to be opened for years.Do I see a tiny nod? Oh I so love least you are acknowledging weight gain like me.It's not my fault that I am a great cook and baker. My boys have superb metabolism,so they naturally don't put on weight.But at times I feel as though the very air I am breathing is transforming into fat and getting stored in my adipose tissue.The way out looks so easy. All the weight loss pills and slimming clinics in the market can run the economy of a third world country.And boy have I been tempted.

Have I succumbed?I'd be lying,if I say no.I have ,a few times.Desperate situations call for desperate measures.And then ,whenever I have discussed these issues with my mom...All she ever msId was a stern no.Even though my money is for me to blow as I see fit,she has been been keeping track of all my expenses. Any big expenditure and she wants to know why I was wasting my hard earned blood money. The money I have burned my blood to earn.She has been counseling me,about my diet and about the food I should be eating.She has been sending me nuts and flours so I can eat healthier.She has even bought me clothes a size smaller so that I would want to work out.My mom is a yoga person, why those genes haven't tread my nerves and fibres ,I fail to understand?But she has ensured that I don't take shortcuts.My mom has been encouraging me to go for walks, but nice workout gym wear and shoes. She has been keeping track of how much I am am working hard to get fitter. For her this journey is not about #FatToThin ,it's all about being fit.It would have been so easy to fall for some scheme-y or real weight loss formula,but she has been constantly pushing and advising and encouraging me to burn it all away.Even when I tell her that the weight loss till now has been dismal. She still tells me to carry on.After all ...only someone who care will bother to give the right advice.
So I continue to burn away the fat , a few grams at a time. I continue to bear with the soremuscles and sweaty Tees and sip on boring water.Just so I can get back and call my mom and tell her I am closer to becoming physically fitter.I may not be getting any younger, but I sure am getting the right advice.I am shedding those ill fitting clothes, a shirt at a time.And I am so much closer to my Purani Jeans.

Kyonki #SachchiAdvice Sirf Apney Hi Dete Hain.
“I am participating in the #SachchiAdvice Contest by MaxLifein Association withBlogAdda.”