Adventures in the Freezer Aisle

By Eemusings @eemusings

I’m buried in the depths of an enormous food rut.

I’m buying  almost exactly the same items when shopping every week. It’s like a terrible parody of my own life. Eating the same thing for lunch for days in a row. Every meal should be a pleasure, but I can’t remember the last time I had a memorable meal.

The only vaguely interesting thing happening in my kitchen at the moment comes from the freezer department. I know - the devil, you say! I’ve more or less stopped buying frozen foods – chips, patties, vile combinations of pre cut veggies. But since getting back from the South Island I’ve wanted to eat more fish, and on a whim the day we got back, I wandered over to the frozen fish department.

My last memory of frozen fish is of a terrible 20-pack of what was billed as lemon pepper fish – mostly crumb with hardly any fish flesh at all, and hardly recognisable as such. But it turns out Sealord does decent crumbed fish fillets. It comes in super plain packaging so you can hardly distinguish it from the budget brand stuff, but it’s affordable and, most importantly, it’s good.
If you’re in NZ, I definitely recommend the kumara crumb fillets (which, incidentally, I’m pretty sure I was part of the market research taste testing group for yonks ago before it came out).

I’ve been steering clear of the freezer department for the longest time, but maybe it’s worth a second look every once in a while.

What, if anything, do you buy frozen? How can I get motivated to tackle the recipes I’ve got piled up in my bookmarks folder?

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