Adventure Outpost // Part II

By Darlenedame

 so far this year, we've been so lucky to have nice weather when we've traveled. my friends went to jackson a few weeks after us and it was almost snowing and you couldn't see the mountains. we had amazing weather the whole time and that is a big deal to me. i've been called out for being in cool places but not enjoying it because of the weather not cooperating.. am i still talking about the weather? 
it was fun getting to know this crew and we all got along really well. this will hopefully be a yearly thing and i feel like i'm finally getting this camping thing down. i didn't grow up camping and it is something i've adjusted to this year. i've become anxious in my old age and our first few camping trips this summer were a little rough for me at night. i have an irrational fear of bears.. and any little tiny noise at night wakes me right up with my eyes popping out of my head. i'm getting over that though haha. tanner has prepped me this year by getting me tevas and those are a game changer!