Adventure Hitchbot Robot Smiling and Hitchhiking, Ended Sadly

By Poundtravel
NXT Robot (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Adventure hitchBOT robot hitchhiker who tried to see if he could trust the people, ended Philadeplhia sad, eastern US, on a street where he was found dismembered and beheaded by vandals, according to AFP and CNN.

HitchBOT Finds Its Way Into Our Cars and Our HeartsHitchBOT Finds Its Way Into Our Cars and Our Hearts – Clapway A pint sized robot with a big heart and an aptitude for adventure, HitchBOT was designed to be easily transported as he completes his world traveling agenda. HitchBOT has already made his …

This robot is built from parts from appliances and household items that do not exceed $ 1,000. It has a smile that lights up the LEDs under a transparent cover mounted on a plastic bucket covered with solar panels and foam States. The legs have rubber boots and yellow latex gloves hands. The thumb of one hand is raised in the universal sign hitchhiker.

Frauke Zeller, from Ryerson University in Toronto and his colleague, Professor David Smith from McMaster University in Ontario, along with a team of specialists have designed it to be completely dependent on hitchBOT people. To help him achieve the goal, scientists have endowed him with all the hitchBOT he needs to reach people’s hearts that meets them. The robot can hold a conversation and can answer any questions by consulting the database of integrated computer. The robot says he feels tired and needs to recharge the car’s cigarette lighter.

HitchBOT’s parents took care that it should not be very difficult to be high on the roadside and placed in the car, but not too easy, so there is no danger of being taken away by the wind while hitchhiking . Also, the robot has been designed to fit on any car seat.

After having crossed Canada and parts of Europe by hitchhiking, and found hitchBOT tragic end in Philadelphia. “Oh, my body was damaged,” confided the robot on its website last week. “I realize that sometimes bad stuff happens to good robots! My journey stops now, but my love for people is endless.”

Once safely traveled over 6,000 kilometers from the Canadian side to side, without problems, and after visiting and part of Germany and the Netherlands, hitchBOT began about two weeks ago and trip the US, from Boston. Unfortunately, after only 480 kilometers on Saturday was dismembered by vandals.

HitchBOT’s parents tried to console hitchhiker robot admirers. “We know that many fans will be disappointed but hitchBOT his wish to assure you that this beautiful existence will not end here,” they wrote site, adding that he intends to complain to the police and nor to find those who destroyed the robot.

The robot hitchhiker was very loved by those who met him on the road. Twitter account,hitchBOT, has over 51,000 subscribers, write Agerpres .

I’m doing it. – hitchBOT | A robot exploring the worldI do hope your data link design also includes a method of updating your software via the net. I’m sure your handlers will learn a lot as you travel, and wish to update your skill set. Good luck on your adventure, HitchBot! – Keith.