"Please Come Home for Christmas" is a Christmas song, released in 1960, by the American blues singer and pianist Charles Brown. Hitting Billboard’s Hot 100 chart in December 1961, the tune Brown co-wrote with Gene Redd peaked at position #76. It appeared on the Christmas Singles chart for nine seasons, hitting #1 in 1972. It includes a number of characteristics of Christmas music, such as multiple references in the lyrics to the Christmas season and Christmas traditions, and the use of a Church bell type sound, created using a piano, at the start of the song. It is sometimes referred to as "Bells Will Be Ringing"..."
The RW/FF Advent Calendar is proud to support The Trussell Trust, helping feed those in need this Christmas. Also, for every 'retweet' @rwffmusic gets on Twitter this month, 2p will go to the cause. You can also give food to your local foodbank (find yours HERE) and donate money to the cause HERE