Adult Children Of Alcoholics (ACOA): Trauma, Struggles, And Coping Mechanisms

Posted on the 27 January 2022 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

If you grew up in a home touched by alcohol abuse, chances are that it had a profound impact on you. In most cases, this impact is fully realized only many years later. The infographic below shows some of the feelings and personality traits that people develop to cope with an alcoholic parent and then use them in their adult life. Thus, they face different challenges in work, friendships, romantic relationships, and parenting.
There’s a number of opportunities for adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) to get rid of their psychological burden. AddictionResource authors say that there is no one right path to successful recovery. The major goal is simply to recover, regardless of methodology. For one person, it can be enough to read a self-help book to cope with their self-esteem or self-worth problems. Another one becomes able to forgive their parents and heal their trauma only after several sessions with a therapist.
At present, it doesn’t really matter whether your parent is still an alcoholic or not. It is irrelevant because ACOAs are just that – adults. So, you have the power to make a personal choice and get the help you need to achieve maximum potential in every aspect of life.

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