Adding to the Library.

By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx

Stumbling across Books 4 Less was by accident. As stumbling across something generally is. Being a book lover I had to go in for a look, 15 minutes later I left with 4 books costing a total of £7!!! That is right my inter web chummies, £7.
Being a fan of a thriller/murder mystery I had to pick up three of them. Daniel Silva 'Portrait of a Spy' - and it features Paris. Ian Rankin 'Bleeding Hearts' and 'The Associate' by John Grisham. Two of the three I am almost 100% certain my dad has read and I'm sure he will have heard of Silva's giving. The fourth and final literary delight is a classic. Love a classic. Jane Austen's 'Northanger Abbey'. I feel that 'Northanger Abbey' is overlooked sometimes for Austens more popular novels like 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Emma' and 'Sense and Sensibility' but following seeing TV adaptations of 'Northanger Abbey' it seems like another slice of Austen at her best.
Bargain books for sure.