Adding Nuance and Detail to a New Abstract Painting

By Abstractartbylt @artbylt

I liked this bright, expressionist painting when I first made it, but after letting it sit for awhile, I decided it could use more nuance and detail.

  Abstract Painting #202, 24" x 24" acrylic on canvas.

I began with titanium white, brushing it on to highlight sections of the original composition.  I used the brush lightly, covering over some of the deeper colors underneath, but leaving some to show through. 

I continued to paint in this manner with pale colors:  parchment, a pale yellow, and pale orange.  Then I added the more intense cadmium red deep and cobalt green. 

At some point in the process, I drew lines with Prussian blue, feathering them with a brush.  I did everything with a light touch in order to let the texture of the under-painting show through. 

Now I'll let the canvas dry and see what I think in a few days.

  Abstract Painting #202, 24" x 24" acrylic on canvas.

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