Addendum: Golden Dawn and the Fraud of Eco-Fascism

Posted on the 09 June 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Yes, that is a baby wearing a shirt with the white power logo on it on the front of Golden Dawn’s publication “Ecology and Action”.
Contents of this issue include:
• The birth of Ecology and the Nationalist Idea
• Genetic engineering when man plays God
• Protest the Caucasus
• “Biodegradable” plastic bags
• Why are we environmentalists?
• Flex the Great Golden Eagle
• Abortion, a crime against the Tribe
• The fur trade
• Penaeus dies
• Tribalism in the time of globalization

from Earth First! Newswire

Since posting the article “Could Golden Dawn Bring a New Wave of Eco-Fascism from Greece to the US?” last week, we received responses with some interesting article links that further elaborate on Golden Dawn’s disgusting and fraudulent use of ecology to promote white supremacy and general ass-kissing of the industrial right-wing elite.

Most recently, Golden Dawn members faked support for the popular anti-gold mining movement in northern Greece, and simultaneously forged relationships with mining companies. This link further explains (in Greek).

Another article link from last year in English, exposes the “Green Wing” of Golden Dawn in supporting the extermination of mental patients and the physically handicapped, perpetuating Hitler’s policies of genocide.

And finally, this link directs you to the site of publication “Ecology and Action,” Golden Dawn’s eco front group. Along the right side of this page, there is also links to several other European organizations using ecology (or a facade of it) to promote white supremacy and fascism. Most of the links lead to pathetic and/or outdated websites and Myspace pages. But still, it is helpful to know their rhetoric and to be able to identify it, in the case that it appears in your local scene, or website. (We suggest using a free translation service to get the general idea of what is being said.) And once again, you can witness several maddening efforts to co-opt Earth First!-esque images.