Add to the Affirming

By Shawnaschuh

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Norman Vincent Peale – who wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking”, said,

“When you affirm big, believe big, and pray big, big things happen.”

What stood out for me in this was the pray big – many of us affirm big, do big affirmations and we believe big – we have high aspirations and dreams and yet – we don’t pray big or even pray at all.

We may be missing the most important element of receiving – and that is that we first must ask.

To me it is God – to you it might be a higher power or the universe –

Today as you are affirming and believing – add praying to your life and notice the difference –

Would love to have you share!

You create your day by the way you think. Make it magnificent.

Blessings, Shawna
