Add Sculpture To Your Structure!

By Therelishedroost
There are so many places to stop and wander on our route up to Saratoga, New York.  One place that I love and highly recommend is the Storm King Art Center. It's located off of Rt 87 in the Hudson Valley area and is full of nature and sculpture.
Storm King is one of the world's leading sculpture parks. It has been around for about 50 years and is only an hour north of NYC. It has 500 acres of fields and hills and gorgeous wildflowers with the most amazing enormous sculptures placed ever so thoughtfully through out the park. There are more than 100  sculptures and you need a few hours to really experience them. One may even rent bikes and take a picnic with you as you wander  in amazement at the thought and talent put into these creations.
I left there on a mission to add more sculptures to my design work and to my own abode. Whether they be outdoor or indoor pieces they give are a wonderful touch of art that is not only visual but tactile as well. I know that sculptures can unfortunately be rather expensive especially when done in bronze or precious stone but I have found some fun sculptures available within reason and are sure to give your space that artistic flare! 



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