Add Five Star Rating Widget In Blogger

Posted on the 15 March 2016 by Jani18
Rating widget is beneficial for online shopping store sites or movies blog or any to rate any product.while five star widget can be added to any article site.It used as feedback, may be you have seen in other blog at the bottom of post.

Fist i tell you about this widget.It show text rate this rate this post with five have to edit blogger template to show in your blog.It also show how many people rate this post votes.before editing blogger template take backup of your templateIt is used to restore your template if you did some mistake so that can be recovered easily.this widget also increase beauty of your can add floating search box to stylize your template.

How to create five star rating in blogger

First login to blogger accountGo to template edit HTML

Now search for his code 
Above </head> paste the given code.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Find this one
Just below <data:post.body/> paste give script.
<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType != "static_page""><div expr:id=""labels_" +" style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"><b:if cond="data:post.labels"><b:loop values="data:post.labels" var="label"><></>,</b:loop></b:if></div>Rate this posting: <div expr:id="" class="ffbs_rate">{[['<img src="" />']]}</div><div expr:id=""ffbs_stats_" +" class="ffbs_stats"></div><script type="text/javascript" expr:src=""" + + "?id=" + + "&stats=ffbs_stats_" + + "&labels=labels_" + + "&info=info-" + + "&info_delay=2&url=" + data:post.url + "&class_star=ffbs_star_img&class_star_set=ffbs_star_img_set&class_star_vote=ffbs_star_img_vote&views=yes&votes=yes&average=yes""></script></b:if>
Note:you may find <data:post.body/> more than time,in that case place this script below the last your template.

View your blog that your five star widget is working fine.If it is not working then you have to place this script below all <data:post.body/> tags.