Adani's Coal Mine Project in Australia Runs into Rough Due to a Lizard and Snake !!
Posted on the 06 August 2015 by Sampathkumar Sampath
Mundra is town in Kutch district in the Indian state of
Gujarat. Mundra was well known for salt and spice trading in the past and now
more for tie-dye and block-print textiles. In 1994, the Mundra Port was
announced at Mundra. The operation started in October 1998. In subsequent
years, the port expanded rapidly resulting in rapid expansion of town and
population. During the January 2001 Gujarat earthquake, Mundra was the only
place in the district of Kutch which was not affected by this devastation.
Following earthquake, the tax incentives were granted for setting up new
industries in this district which led to the rapid industrialisation of this
region. In 2014, Mundra Port surpassed Kandla in cargo handling.
are lizards belonging to the family Scincidae, which is one of the most diverse
families of lizards.
Adani, is a business tycoon who is the chairman and
founder ofAdani Group. According to Forbes, his personal wealth is estimated to
be $7.1 billion as of September
Down under,
environmentalists expressed delight over the ruling that adds impetus to their
campaign to minimize the number of coal ships passing through the Great Barrier
Reef area on their way to Asia by scuttling investments. “The scale and impacts
of this mine mean it would be the most damaging in Australian history,” said
Ellen Roberts, of the Mackay Conservation Group. The reference is to the ‘Carmichael coal
mine’- a proposed thermal coal mine in
the north of the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland, Australia. It is expected
to produce 60 million tonnes of coal a year and become the largest coal mine in
Australia. Mining is planned to be conducted by both open-cut and underground
It is owned by
Adani Mining, a wholly owned subsidiary of India's Adani Group. The development
represents a $16.5 billion investment. The mine is expected to have an
operating life of approximately 90 years. In total the mine is expected to
extract 4 billion tonnes of coal resource. Exports are to leave Australia, via port facilities at Hay Point and Abbot
Point after being transported to the coast via rail. A new rail line is to be
built which will connect with the existing Goonyella railway line. Most of the
exported coal is planned to be shipped to India.
All of that has
come to a stop ! - approval for the
largest coal mine in Australia has been overturned by the Federal Courts after
it was found that the Minister for Environment did not adequately consider the
fate of two vulnerable native species who call the region home.Environmental
approval for Adani's Carmichael coal mine in Central Queensland's Galilee Basin
was declared invalid on Wednesday after it was ruled that Environment Minister
Greg Hunt did not consider advice presented to him about the yakka skink and
the ornamental snake.
The yakka skink may
be little known globally, but the native Australian lizard is causing problems
for one of India’s biggest conglomerates.Adani blamed Wednesday’s decision on
red tape. Environment Minister Greg Huntapproved the mining project last year,
but it was overturned because of what the environment department termed a
“technical, administrative” issue. It said its advice to Mr. Hunt during the
approval process may not have been provided in the correct manner.
So it is the rare
Yakka skink lizard and ornamental snake that have stalled Adani’s mining. The Guardian reported that the federal
government has said it will take between six and eight weeks to revisit and
reconsider its decision. The government described the decision of the court as
a “technical, administrative matter”, implying that the issue is really whether
Hunt considered the impact of the project on the two species, and that its
review process will assess this.
The Mackay
Conservation Group filed the case in
January 2015, challenged the approval on three grounds: that the minister
incorrectly assessed its climate impacts, ignored Adani's poor environmental
record, and failed to consider conservation advice from his own department on
the impact of the mine on the two vulnerable species.Hunt conceded to the court
that he failed in his duty to properly assess the project in accordance with
his obligations under federal environmental legislation.
“It is regrettable
that a technical legal error from the federal environment department has
exposed the approval to an adverse decision. It should be noted the approval
did include appropriate conditions to manage the species protection of the
yakka skink and ornamental snake,“ said an Adani statement, adding that “we
have been advised that, because certain documents were not presented by the
department in finalising the approval, it created a technical legal
vulnerability that is better to address now”.
Tailpiece : the port that we saw in initial paras,
Mundra, is the largest private port of India located on the north shores of the
Gulf of Kutch. Earlier it was operated by Mundra Port and Special Economic Zone
Limited (MPSEZ) owned by Adani Group, which later was expanded into Adani Ports & SEZ
Limited (APSEZ) managing several ports.
The Port is a private port as also a Special economic zone. Gautam Adani is recognised for established
the modern Mundra Port which was selected as best port in 2006 by Lloyds.
With regards – S.
6th Aug