A+D Museum’s Never Built: Los Angeles Onstage at Dwell on Design

By Dwell @dwell
From Frank Lloyd Wright to Frank Gehry, many noted architects have dreamed of a better plan for the architectural fabric of Los Angeles. For the first time, these lofty utopias, in the form of drawings, renderings, and sketches, will be presented together as the subject of a study and exhibition at A+D Architecture and Design Museum July 11–September 13.

John Lautner Griffith Park Nature Center, 1972 (Courtesy Getty Research Institute)

As a preview to the exhibition, A+D director Tibbie Dunbar will join co-curator Greg Goldin (former architecture critic at Los Angeles Magazine and the author of the forthcoming book, Never Built Los Angeles) and Jenny Myers, associate at Clive Wilkinson Architects, onstage at Dwell on Design for a sneak preview and panel discussion of What If? Los Angeles, which explores the thinking and planning behind the designs, the reasons why they were never realized, and the implications of what may have been. The exhibition, says Dunbar, “dares the city to dream big again.”

Lloyd Wright Civic Center Plan, 1925 (Courtesy Eric Lloyd Wright)

This article was originally published on February 15, 2013 on our sister site, Dwell on Design.