Acts 6:13

By Robin Salvador @vinzsalvador23

Acts 6:13

"They produced false witnesses, who testified, "This fellow [Stephen] never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law." Acts 6:13

Stephen was a man of God filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit. He had fearless conviction, and had boldly preached the gospel of Jesus even up to his last breath. Despite the fact that God had used him in so many mighty ways, such wasn't a guarantee that there would be no wicked people who conspired his murder.

In the midst of suffering and false witnesses seemingly thriving, Stephen was seen to have had a face like an angel. His detractors could not find any ungodliness in him so they had to produce false witnesses. When brought to the Sanhedrin, the religious "court," Stephen still made a long speech just to make Jesus known. Until he died, this Stephen had peace and joy in his heart despite his enemies making him greatly suffer physically.

Living a godly life for Jesus doesn't mean you get rid of all the pain and suffering caused by people who malign you for your faith, not in this life. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. Take heart, I have overcome the world." A believer in Christ has peace and joy which are never dependent on circumstance, but on an eternal perspective: that is one day you and I will be living and reigning with the King of kings and the Lord of lords for the rest of eternity!

At the peak of your suffering, be reminded that this world is not your home. Take heart, give thanks, and rejoice!

