Acts 6:10

By Robin Salvador @vinzsalvador23

Acts 6:10

"But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave Stephen as he spoke." Acts 6:10

Stephen was one of the men appointed by the twelve apostles to lead the early church. He was described to be a man full of God's grace and power, who performed great signs and wonders among the people. Eventually, there were Jewish religious leader who opposed him and began arguing with him. Remarkably, they could not stand up against the wisdom the Holy Spirit endowed Stephen as he spoke.

Stephen didn't have wisdom and power on his own. He only spoke of the words which the Holy Spirit made him say. Hadn't he yielded to the empowering of the Holy Spirit, it would have been entirely impossible for him to be wise on his own. For sure those Jewish religious leaders could have outsmarted him.

It all boils down to this. No one and nothing can withstand the Holy Spirit. No work nor wisdom of man can override the mind of God. In fact, the Bible tells us that the "foolishness" of God is wiser than the wisest of men! That's why it's imperative that we seek His counsel for every decision, and to yield in His will at all times. Remember that the Lord only has His best interest for you.

Once you yield to the Lord's counsel, nothing and no one could ever prove you wrong.

