ActiveRevenue Review: Maximising Traffic & Exposure

Posted on the 15 December 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Advertising is the sector of building a trademark for your company in the truest sense of the term. It involves the very focus on the brand or label in order to pull in more visitors and potential customers. The very first thought that every advertiser comes with is how to make a lasting impression on the targeted clientele and earn revenue from it. Building brand image of a product involves the unity of several market sectors to amalgamate as one and reflect the label positively to the consumers market. Hence the need to advertise your products comes as the only medium that can initiate success for your business. It is lone way through you can make a positive impression and increase your brand exposure.

The very first thought that every good advertiser comes with, is how to make a lasting impression on the targeted clientele and earn revenue from it.

Traditional advertising is now sidelined and online advertising has taken its place. This has several benefits that include targeting the required population of customers, ensuring exact need of visitors and providing them with it,
and also several tools that you can engage with in order to maximize your gains and increase your target base

ActiveRevenue is a self-serve traffic platform which allows advertisers access to high performing ad units, granular targeting, competitive pricing, and multiple optimizations capabilities.

ActiveRevenue serves as a self serving advertising platform that provides advance technologies, services, facilities and expert solutions to advertisers and media buyers. With extensive targeting capabilities and advertising formats, you can target your base selectively and ensure campaigns and promotions are being viewed by customers.

Targeting Capabilities in Detail

Target your ads according to the browsers, interest of the users, places where they belong to, keywords they use tot search and a lot specified to make sure that the campaign you plan is successful and drives maximum engagement of the users.

Pulling in traffic is one of the most necessary elements required to attract more customers and visitors and getting in worldwide traffic is something that ActiveRevenue is going to help you with successfully. Once you start working with the platform which also happens to be the daughter brand of the much appreciated and successful AdventureFeeds Network, you are going to be facilitated with clear reports of your work flow.

What ActiveRevenue prides in is a very responsive support team that is always there to help you through the management process and ensure that you are provided with the means of support to continue the partnership.

Creating traffic means representing a very basic flow of victors throughout the day for a particular website. The more internet traffic one can assure, the more the website receives potential customer feeds and visits. This increased exposure opens up channels of communication. Pulling in worldwide traffic is something that ActiveRevenue is apt at managing. Traffic in a huge volume will guarantee that your search engine ranking is on the higher note. Hence the more visitors you can pull in, the better services you can offer and increase your venture successfully.

If you are targeting a populace that crosses boundaries then, there are services that can help you with the same. Now if you are inclined towards a specific locale then geo-targeting is initiated through which you can narrow down your base targets through cities, countries and more. Being browser specific is also a part of ActiveRevenue services. Right from Chrome, Firefox and more, you can select from the type of browser you want your ads to be showcased on.

Interest targeting is necessary because aiming at people who are interested in your brand will allow you to be more specific and attention grabbing. You can target carriers, devices as well as Operating systems on mobile and desktops.

Putting across the appropriate keyword is also necessary and targeting visitors based on keyword search can initiate better results. ActiveRevenue has resources and advance solutions for all these target based advertising. Hence you can select from the services offered based on the target aim you have and reach the aim of your ads precisely.

Advertising formats

There are precisely four types of ad formats that ActiveRevenue supports and it includes Native ads, Pop Unders, Display ads and Search based ads.

Push Notifications - This is a valuable and impactful advertisement format for those looking for driving traffic on mobile. The advertisers have seen immensely great results with this format as most of the people access content on the go these days.

Pop Unders - Opting out From Pop ups, Pop Unders are going to captivate visitor attention once the browser page has been minimized. This guarantees that your targeted population can focus only on the ad and nothing else. It costs less and becomes effective with ActiveRevenue facilities.

Display Ads - Simply covering a large range of ad formats such as image, video, audio, flash and textual, these ads will be featured on a website so as to grab attention of a specific customer base.

Search Ads - If you want a definite time, browser or website where you want the advertisement to feature then ActiveRevenue has expert solutions to offer the same.

- With ActiveRevenue you can initiate ads that are going to conform to the kind of platform that it appears on without changing its structure and function. This coherence is necessary to captivate the interest of the targeted audience in order to increase traffic. Native Ads Engaging posts and innovative stories will be promoted by native ads.

The initiation of CPC and CPM models ensure that you can choose whether you want to go for Cost per click or Cost per impressions. Viewing and Liking the advertisement will ensure that more traffic is being created. Considering the model you choose, you can place the bid and pay for the amount of CPC and CPM you are being provided.

Competitive pricing standards have been set up by ActiveRevenue so that you never have to spend more than what you can afford. A simple investment is going to certify you with positive exposure and branding that will go a long way in creating a high page rank and familiarity among visitors. Hence the medium to attract more potential customers gets easy.

Once you sign up with ActiveRevenue, your dashboard is going to showcase every little detail that you are working on. There will be several categories and filters provided along with a transparent set of information regarding how well your ads are fairing in the market. This will come along with a detailed statistics of the target plans, models and formats you have chosen.

With the registered date, views, impressions and earning, everything is provided clearly so that you can keep a track of everyday record and manage your content effectively. Right from the investment you have made to the amount left, every necessary data is provided.

Creating promotions and campaigns based on the CPC and CPM models is easy with categories provided in the dashboard. You can choose the type you want and start managing your advertisement based on your preference and affordability.

When you are evaluating keyword centric campaign, you will get a detailed view of the keywords, the countries it is being reflected on, viewers, minimum and maximum bid placed, number of competitors and a forecast of budget and potential viewers. With this, you get a comprehensive look at keyword based targets.

There is a specific domain list created with the help of which you can add in new domains for your advertising needs. You can even eliminate them as per your choice.

The team of ActiveRevenue has an extremely responsive support group available for every hiccup that you may experience on the way. Since there are several who actually are quite uninformed about how the world of online advertising works, it is necessary to understand that following a set of directives by experienced and certified officials is the best way to choose.

Moreover with detailed reports of your package and how it is fairing can be viewed through management of the Dashboard that will be created for you once you have signed up with the service and logged in to start off working. Transparency of information and details is necessary for every advertiser to clearly understand the feedback received and this is actively maintained by ActiveRevenue.

Once you have partnered up with ActiveRevenue, your advertising journey will be smoother and relatively easy with the advanced tools and solutions provided. With detailed reports of your everyday market charts and areas where you can focus on, this self advertising platform beings about a service that is highly beneficial for advertisers to put their brand across the digital community of targeted customers. Hence with each move, you take one step forward towards labelling your brand in the truest possible means.