ACT Today to Support Gun Control

Posted on the 28 March 2013 by Doggone
There was a blog set up to address the 'lies' told by Heather Martens and Joan Peterson of Protect Minnesota and by me.  So's empty; no lies, no rebuttal, no criticism.

That's because we are factually accurate. That's because we are logical, and represent the majority of Americans, including gun owners, and the gun huggers are neither logical or factual.
Here is the latest from Protect Minnesota, I hope you will join us in acting:

 Dear Friend,
Today, Thursday, March 28, is National Day of Action for gun violence prevention! Be part of demanding action from Congress on this day! Here's what you can do:

Call Rep. Erik Paulsen at (952) 405-8510
Tell him you support background checks for all gun sales; a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines; and making gun trafficking a crime.

In Minnesota, we need to send the same message for state action to Rep. Paul Thissen at (651) 296-5375, and Sen. Tom Bakk at (651) 296-8881.

After you've made these calls, click here to thank Sens. Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for supporting gun violence prevention!
This morning at a press conference to demand action, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, Chaska Police Chief Scott Knight and Accent Signage shooting survivor John Souter will speak. Watch for reports after the 9:30 a.m. news conference at the Hennepin County Library in Minnetonka.
Thank you for all you do,

Heather Martens
Executive Director, Protect Minnesota

Star Tribune: Illegal Gun Market Thriving
Star Tribune reports NRA loss
Star Tribune series continuation: Guns on the Streets.
Hearing Highlights: Law enforcement, religious leaders, civic groups, a hunter - all testified in support of universal background checks. Moving testimony from gun violence victims will be in the video, to be posted at
Star Tribune Article on March 19 compromise (Despite the headline, this is a clear win for us and a loss for the NRA.)

A new poll shows widespread support for the gun violence prevention proposals of President Obama

New article on NRA board members: Unmasking the NRA's Inner Circle
Profile of NRA lobbyist and board member Grover Norquist: He aids foreign civil wars in his free time

Norquist's influence has been waning ever since the Jack Abramoff scandal: If Grover Norquist speaks, does anyone still listen?
Article on Gun Violence Prevention Meeting, including Protect Minnesota Executive Director, with Vice President Joe Biden
Our latest newsletter is on the web site at under "Protect MN News."