Acid Mammoth - Supersonic Megafauna Collision

Posted on the 07 June 2024 by Ripplemusic

The mighty Mammoth strides through the Riff filled landscape again and sets the bar pretty high for this year's doom albums!

Thick groovin' fuzz-laden riffs and thundering drums, like the stomping of a herd of mammoths and sabbathian Vocals.

Supersonic Megafauna Collision places its sound between old heroes like Black Sabbath and the first two Electric Wizard albums - and is perhaps the band's most varied album. Where "Caravan" was a bit long in places, Supersonic gets straight to the point and still surprises with many twists.

The band around father and son Babalis once again prove their feeling for great melodies and top notch songwriting beyond the boundaries of the usual doom themes. The album ends with the outstanding 12-minute epic "Tusko's Last Trip", which tells the story of the elephant Tusko, who was given an LSD injection for scientific purposes in 1962. The 297 milligrams of the hallucinogenic substance were probably the highest dose of LSD ever administered to a living being. Tusko lost control of his limbs and collapsed...

The year is still young, but the top spots on the AOTY list are already being set.

-Helge Neumann