Achieving Perfectionism is a Pipe Dream

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Because you can’t achieve perfectionism, let’s stop the charade. Okay?

Whether it is creating the perfect name for your new service, or the perfect name for your business, or creating the be all end all product for your clients you have to give up on it being perfect. And just release it.

One more month and I will have nailed it.

One month passes.

Wait. I need to revamp this entire thing. I went this one direction and now I’m rethinking the whole vision. I can finish this in a couple weeks.

A couple of weeks pass.

I know I am behind on delivering this but if I let it go out now what will people think? It’s not perfect. I must perfect it. One more week.

One week passes.

Pfft. I meant to be done with this but now I have just learned something new that I want to integrate into this thing. It needs to be totally reorganized to have it all make sense. Alright. One more month, then I will be done.

One more month passes.And it doesn’t effing matter what is going on now. It still isn’t done.

It won’t be perfect. It won’t meet your high standards. It won’t be complete. Ever.

Remember a few things…

  • Things can be changed.
  • You will change your feelings  on it.
  • You will learn something new about it.
  • If you don’t eventually give up that goal of perfectionism, you won’t do anything and be stuck in a holding pattern.

What would have happened if Monet kept tweaking his paintings? I bet that even from afar they would look like a mess. (“Clueless” reference… couldn’t help myself)

You can’t be a perpetual tweaker. Life goes on and there is no such thing as perfectionism.

The only question you can ask yourself before you say enough is enough is this.

Did I do enough?

Go, before you are ready. You will always learn something new, and be able to do better later. Do your best now and be okay with it.  It will be good enough.