Achelous – River God

By Vikasacharya

Achelous , in Greek mythology, river god; son of Oceanus and Tethys. He possessed the power to appear as a bull, a serpent, or a bullheaded man. Hercules defeated him and broke off one of his horns, which, according to one legend, became the cornucopia. He is sometimes said to be the father of the Sirens. As the god of the largest fresh-water river in Greece, he was often represented as the god of fresh water in general. Akheloios once competed with Herakles in a contest for the hand of the Aitolian princess Deianeira. In their wrestling contest, Herakles tore of the god's horn, out of which was made a cornucopia or horn of plenty.The river occurs in Greek art in three forms. In vase painting he was depicted as either a "merman," with a coiled fish tail descending from below his chest, or as a large man-headed bull. In both cases his head was crowned with a horn. In mosaic art he appears as a reclining man with an amphora.The Akheloios river rises in the Pindar ranges, to flow down through the heart Aitolia and Akarnania, reaching the Ionian Sea near the mouth of the Gulf of Korinthos. The most important neigh-bouring river was the Euenos to the east.

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Published by Vikas Acharya

I'am a passionate, optimistic & dedicated man who takes up responsibilities with utmost enthusiasm and see to it that I complete my tasks and assignments in time. I'have a great amount of perseverance to achieve my goal. My optimistic and planned approach in things I do is what driving me towards my success. Professional Carrier: Working as an Travel coordinators I am responsible to book tickets, provide research about destinations, plan trips and advise clients. suggest the best times to travel and which activities to enjoy. I am also responsible to reserve rental cars, hotel rooms and schedule tours. As an Travel coordinator I am specialize in regions, countries or client. Knowledge of foreign documentation, such as passports, vaccinations, visas and work permits.As travel planner I spends most of his time in my office environment behind a desk - filling out paperwork, communicating with clients, contacting hotels and booking flights. I'll spend a lot of time on the phone and at the computer. Note: I have collected all the articles from web through various websites, may be some articles are written by me and others are the collection of another website/author, I have no © on some of these images/articles. If you find your image/article which is copyrighted mail me to we'll remove them within the next 48hrs. View all posts by Vikas Acharya