Accidental Shooting Invistigation in Kentucky Mis-handled - Charges May Be Dropped

Posted on the 04 September 2012 by Mikeb302000
The Richmond Register reports
The family of a man who is still recovering from a gunshot wound to the face is outraged that the person charged in the shooting may have his case dismissed.
Denver Rearick, 28, is accused of first-degree assault after Matthew C. Richie was shot Jan. 22, 2011, at a Waco Loop home. Police initially ruled the shooting accidental, but Rearick was indicted by a grand jury in August 2011.
First-degree assault is a Class B felony that carries a penalty of 10 to 20 years in prison.
Rearick’s attorney, Michael Eubanks, filed a motion Tuesday to dismiss the case citing the “negligent manner” with which Kentucky State Police have handled key evidence. A KSP trooper testified earlier this summer that he has not been able to find taped statements made by both Rearick and Richie after the shooting. It is also unclear from police records if a gunshot residue test was performed even though a trooper had requested it, testimony revealed.
Because of the bumbling police investigatgion, this guy may walk away from what was at least an unacceptable negligence in gun handling, maybe something worse.
What's your opinion?  Maybe the cops should be charged with negligence, huh?
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