Accessorizing with Chandeliers!

By Simone Design Blog @HomeSpire

It's a sunny day here today and I'm planning to go out and enjoy it. I'm going to treat myself to lunch at an outside cafe. After all, its Sunday and we all need to do something that's not part of our everyday routine.

I have a couple of questions for you:
  • When was the last time you looked up at your ceiling and thought it's time to update those ceiling lights? I know I've done that. It's only natural that we'd like to update products in our homes to reflect the changing trends.
  • Do you have enough lighting in your home or is it too dark? If your answer is yes, then it's probably time that you start to think about what kind of lighting that would brighten your day. Brighten your day, a wonderful concept! It doesn't have to mean you need light fixtures all over, it can be just a matter of choosing a few fixtures that are colorful and clear. Let me show you.

I never thought of myself as a fan of chandeliers, that was until I came across some of these, I immediately fell in love with them. I also have to say I'm partial, to crystal chandeliers. I think I can picture this in a living room and maybe have part of your ceiling recessed as it is in this picture. It's a great finishing touch to the chandelier.

This next one is extremely eye catching and what a great conversation piece this would be. The attention to detail is marvelous! I'm thinking this would be a perfect accessory piece in an entryway that has high a high ceiling. If you want to add more interest to the ceiling, do what the designer did, paint the ceilings with the same color scheme of the flowers. Ceilings are sometimes neglected in a renovation project.

Doesn't this remind you of what you see in Victorian homes? I like the fact, that it's just simple. It's not too ornate to be distracting. I've got a great design idea; if you're having a special occasion at your home, consider adding crystal strands or individual crystals to add a touch of sparkle and elegance to the room.

There's something about a crystal chandelier that says elegance and beauty. I don't think you cannot help but stop to admire such a work of art. It definitely catches your eye.

I've got to say this one fooled me, I thought it was just a decorative piece for a special occasion. As I got closer, I realized it's a pendant light! It's so different from anything else I've seen.

This one's very modern, but I like how the glass shade would pick up the colors in the room.

As my readers are well aware, I can get carried away and lost in the design, so it's time for me to wish you all a great Wednesday, I hope you have time to go out and enjoy the rest of the day.