Access to Fashion: Are Men Dominating the Online Shopping Sector?

By Attireclub @attireclub

There has been a stigma around online shopping that it is primarily women sitting in front of their computers, credit card in hand, frantically searching for a life-changing deal; however, recent research shows that online consumers have hit a tipping point and the findings are showing that men are actually beginning to out-shop women online by 20-30 percent. The fashion world is dominated by womenswear, that is still a fact (you always have more women's shows during fashion weeks, there are more clothes for women available than for men), so these news come as a surprise.

One of the reasons for this shift is that shopping online offers a practicality and ease that is incredibly more appealing than shopping in a crowded mall. You can browse, research, and easily pay for online purchases without ever leaving the comfort of your home, office, train, or wherever it is that you choose to spend time shopping online.

It used to be that not being able to try things on were a primary factor dissuading online shopping. However, with easier shipping and return policies, these concerns are no longer paramount. The majority of online retailers make the entire process so hassle-free that men are purchasing even more frequently - some on a weekly basis according to an iProspect study - then when they used to shop in stores.

And really, this makes sense: no lines, no bothersome people, no sales clerk pressure, you can find everything in your size, the choices seem almost limitless, and you can still return anything that your aren't completely satisfied with. It's an exceptionally low-maintenance consumer experience with the product getting delivered right to your doorstep, so what's not to love?

This is actually a very influential part of the shift to higher levels of online consumption - the product comes to you, you don't have to go to it. For the majority of busy professionals, there is really very little time to actually go out shopping, not to mention that retail hours rarely fit well into business hours. Ordering those new dress shoes online before going to bed and knowing they are going to show up in two days is a lot more appealing than trying to brave the weekend crowd at the mall just for one item. Shopping in your own place at your own pace, and on your own hours, that's what online shopping is all about.

Moreover, it used to be that if you wanted a specific brand, but it wasn't found in your city, you would have to physically travel to wherever it would be accessible to you. Now, however, with brands from all over the world being accessible at your fingertips, it is easier than ever to have a chic international wardrobe without all of the trips.

Additionally, online stores offer product write-ups that give far more insight than you ever get instore, as well as showing styling options, or offer helpful "how to" guides, like how to match your shirt and tie. And with handy algorithms tracking past purchases or past viewed items, many e-commerce sites can cater a personalized shopping experience to suit your particular taste. In a way, this can be seen as having a personal shopper who knows what you like and what you don't.

It remains to be seen whether the online shopping sector will become dominated by women again or not. Apparently, the easiness of shopping online has made men the number one consumer in a market dominated by women's fashion.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Further reading:

The best ways and times to shopThe pros and cons of buying eyeglasses onlineHow to buy ties on-line

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