Abused at 12, Her Mum on Cocaine – a Very Brave Mum Speaks out

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Image by ~fb~ via Flickr

This post is an anonymous guest post

I had a happy childhood growing up, just me and my brother although we both had different dads and had a stepdad bringing us up who was and still is fantastic although my mom is no longer with him.

My childhood all changed when I was 12 and my aunties husband started to sexually abuse me. I finally found the courage to tell me mom when i was 15 with the support from a close group of friends I had. It was then that my mom started drinking more than the average person would drink. Family would have nothing to do with us as they thought I was ‘lying’ and i had an ‘infatuation’ they couldn’t have been wrong.

I left home at 16 and ended up in an abusive relationship till I was 19, it was then my mom got made redundant just as I moved back home, she started drinking even more, became an alcoholic and eventually left my stepdad and moved miles away. I had just gotten into a new relationship and 4 months later found out I was pregnant, my child is the best thing to have ever happened to me and I wish my mom would stop and take a look at her life and understand that she is missing out on a beautiful grandchild.

From what I have now heard from her old friends that now want nothing to do with her I have been informed she is taking crack cocaine, I cant help but blame everything I put her through started her on the path of destruction that she cant get herself off.

I do want to be able to have a relationship with my mom I just cant trust her enough, I have a good support group of friends and my grandparents around me but sometimes all you want is a cuddle off your mom to be told that everything is okay.