Absent Without Leave

By Becca @glowgetterbecca

Hello! And Happy (belated) New Year!! I apologize for the lack of posts. I’ve been AWOL for a while and I feel like this needs an explanation… 

But first of all, I just wanted to say, I am so so grateful to everyone who is still following me! Thank you so much for bearing with me. So here goes, the big announcement…  I’m moving!! (blogs that is)I have loved writing on Glow Getter for the past (almost) year, and it has been great learning the blogging ropes and becoming part of an online community. But at the same time, I’ve been figuring out what I want to do in life. Well, I’ve finally worked it out, and I’ve spent the 6 months designing a collection of handbags, which will be launching in the Spring! However, as time has gone on, I’ve felt more and more like I’m being pulled in two directions. Trying to divide my time between creating quality content for this blog and launching the business. It reached a point where I didn’t feel like I was doing either of them justice and felt like I would never really move forward in any direction unless I made a commitment to one. I love blogging though and have really missed it over the last month, so I’ve decided to incorporate my two passions by starting a new blog. One that is going to be more directly linked to what I am doing now, so that it adds to it rather than takes away. I’m hoping this can be a place where I can document my journey and inspiration as a handbag designer…There will still be a focus on beauty and skin care (of course), but more of a mix of fashion and lifestyle too. I’m hoping to get some videos up as well! I love Glow Getter, but I feel a little bit restricted with what I can post, and want a blog that can grow with me, and that I can share a bit more of my personality on. I’ve thought long and hard about how I wanted to do this, but I think I’d rather start afresh than suddenly change the focus of this blog (Glow Getter isn't going anywhere for the time being, I just won't be uploading here anymore).My new blog launches on Monday, and it is looking great so far. I’m really excited!!! I will post on here again on Mon pointing you to where to go to find me in my new home (and follow if you are that way inclined).  Your support is hugely appreciated and I’d love to see you over there. Can’t wait to get back into the world of blogging!!Wish me luck!Lots and lots of love,Becca xxx