Abri Van Straten Says True Blood Has Brought Him New Friends

Posted on the 29 September 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Abri van Straten was recently interviewed by Talent In Borders and he talked a bit about how he has been affected by True Blood.

Abri, born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, singer-songwriter and guitarist, has been thrown into our True Blood world by marrying Kristin Bauer, who plays Pam, one of our favorite vampires. Many of the True Blood fans have embraced Abri’s music and find it both mellow and quite beautiful.

Below is part of the interview with Abri:

What, besides your familial history, do you attribute with your love of music and it’s success?

One word: Aesthetics. It is an interesting animal (aesthetics means beauty in all it’s forms). The wavelength of beauty is the smallest, measurable wavelength in the universe and therefore, the most powerful. When I was a kid, music had a very strong effect on me. I never had to take drugs or anything of that nature; music gave me a high. Beauty is a world-changer. Aesthetics is why we do what we do without realizing it. It’s very fundamental to all of existence.

You are very dedicated as an animal activist as well (which is something I highly commend and value). Your song “Voices” was written about the illegal practices of whaling, although it’s a universal song. Please explain how near and dear this cause is to you.

I’m African and my family grew up in Kenya (in East Africa). My grandfather was a professor of physiology, and spent many years with animals, and would doctor them when they were sick. He had a chimpanzee, elephant, among other animals. Humans are not isolated, as we are part of a whole and must therefore take responsibility for all living things.

Has your fan-base grown due to the popularity of being Kristin Bauer’s (Pam on True Blood) husband? Do you feel the grassroots methods are still the best and most organic?
I like to think and hope that I’ve made some new friends. It’s nice to make new friends, even if they have fangs ;).

Speaking of your wife, would you like your music to be featured on True Blood?
I don’t think my music is True Blood. It’s too sweet and nice…Lol True Blood is a bit more edgy; would be cool, but haven’t gone down that avenue.

To read the rest of this interview go to: talentinborders.blogspot.com