About Larry Grathwohl

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

 If you don’t know who Larry Grathwohl is, you need to listen to him on the attached video. The true nature and agenda of Obama’s supporters is laid out in plain sight. ~ TD

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers’ plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions

And here’s a bit more:


Larry Grathwohl, 1947 -2013: American Hero

Mary Grabar | Jul 23, 2013
Whole story here: Town Hall

Larry Grathwohl, my friend and hero, has passed on to join the pantheon of other truth-tellers about communism. His death last week merited mentions in blogs and sites like PJ Media, Canada Free Press, and the People’s Cube. Tina Trent, who republished his book,Bringing Down America, was the first in our circle of friends and admirers to learn about his death and to publish aremembrance on her blog. As the People’s Cube points out, in a just world Larry’s death would have made front-page news in the New York Times. Instead we have had the relentless attention on Trayvon Martin and the “pioneer” reporter Helen Thomas.

But it’s part of the plan to deny any truth about communist dangers facing us and to use the old Soviet strategy going back to the 1920s to divide us over race until we collapse in a civil war. Larry, who never held an academic, government, or editorial board position, saw the strategy clearly and from first-hand experience from infiltrating the domestic terrorist group Weather Underground, led by today’s darlings of academia, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. A Midwesterner (from the flyover country of Ohio) and from a blue-collar family, he did this after serving a tour of duty in Vietnam, described here by James Simpson. The continued manipulation of race for revolutionary purposes was described in a paper Larry presented at an America’s Survival conference.

Larry shunned the hero label, saying that what he did was what anyone would do. That is true and not true. A certain kind of person understands the difference between right and wrong, and takes the stand against evil without regard to personal reputation or safety. This is the unpretentious person, who operates from moral conviction, without calculation. That is the kind of person Larry was.

I feel lucky that I got to meet Larry at an America’s Survival conference and to spend a week this spring with him as he, Tina Trent, and I went on a speaking tour in Florida. As we talked over a beer at Tina’s dining room table late at night, I was struck by his matter-of-fact way of considering what he had done as he lived with a group of highly educated and mostly privileged young adults intent on bringing down this great country. How he woke up to see boxes of dynamite in his room, hid the acid he was told to take during Weathermen’s “criticism/self criticism sessions,” and “proved” by his words, actions, and even facial expressions his devotion to their cause were described matter-of-factly. His methods of survival were related in the same way that those in Vietnam were, at my prompting, with no self-glorification. This is what you needed to do, was his attitude.

Larry, however, had a different demeanor when he talked about the moral depravity of Weatherman, a group that with cold calculation discussed re-education camps in the Southwest for the 100 million Americans they estimated would be resistant to the new regime after their revolution. The estimated 25 million who could not be “re-educated” would have to be executed, they speculated.

“How can a group of college-educated, rich young people talk that way?” Larry would say incredulously. The other moral depravity that amazed Larry was the forced separation of a mother from her young daughter. These sociopaths thought family ties would interfere with revolutionary goals.

Larry loved his three daughters intensely, and spoke to them frequently from Florida. He had a father’s tender concern for them and worried about their illnesses and troubles.

I was looking forward to resuming our lecture tour here in Georgia in the fall. The tea party people, especially the military vets, loved hearing Larry. I was hoping to continue to spread the word about a leader of the Weathermen, Bill Ayers, who had gone from discussing plans to execute Americans on a mass scale to specializing in training teachers on how to indoctrinate school children for the revolution that would bring about their destruction.

I was hoping to be able to share a beer with Larry again and recount the day’s event. I wanted to hear more stories. I wanted to hear his silly jokes told with the distinctly Midwestern, inflections. Larry was like the guys from blue-collar families I knew–with decency, courage, and a sense of duty. They went to Vietnam, raised families, and worked hard–and with no fanfare.

But Larry was also like the other forgotten or besmirched figures in history who tried to tell the world the truth about the communists: Victor Kravchenko, Gareth Jones, George H. Earle, William Bullit, John C. Wiley, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Whittaker Chambers, Elia Kazan, Major George Racey Jordan, John Van Vliet, and Ivan Krivosertsov, the last a Russian peasant who witnessed and told about the execution of Polish officers in the Katyn forest by the Soviets, but was found dead, mysteriously, some years later in England. These people all did the right thing. A just world would have rewarded them. Instead, it still denies the great evil they were fighting.

They are in the same mold as Larry Grathwohl. Larry did the dangerous work and then went on to tell his story and continue an unassuming life. He was as unpretentious as they come. In fact, he was visibly touched when I addressed my book on Bill Ayers to him as an “American hero,” flattered that thought so.

As much as we might be dismissed by the elites in academia, government, and the media, we need to tell Larry’s story. He would want us to. He was genuinely alarmed by recent developments, that someone mentored by Bill Ayers would become president, that Bill Ayers would be feted at academic conferences.

Like Larry, we must continue to be amazed by such developments, but fight them with the serenity, pragmatism, purposefulness, and confidence that he displayed.

According to Larry Grathwohl’s <href=”#fbloggedout”>obituary in the Cincinnati Enquirer donations to the Wounded Warriors Project in lieu of flowers are requested.

The American Spectator – IN MEMORIAM


By Paul Kengor
Read whole story here: The American Spectator

Do you know the name “Larry Grathwohl”? You should. What he did and lived to tell was shocking, and shouldn’t be forgotten. Stick with me and read these words, and pass them along. Here are words about a man whose work and life merit your attention and that of your fellow Americans.

Larry Grathwohl was a distinguished Vietnam vet who in the 1960s contacted the FBI and offered his services in infiltrating Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn’s Weather Underground. That was no small deal; it was extremely dangerous. It was a total self-sacrifice, a leap into hell on behalf of his country. He risked his life and endured some wretched things that most of us would refuse to do. For the good of his country, he became part of an ugly inner circle. He had to plunge into their dark side.

Grathwohl ultimately blew the whistle on Ayers and Dohrn and crew in sworn testimony in the 1970s and (further) in his 1976 book, Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen, plus numerous times since. He testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on October 18, 1974, where he spoke at length, and under oath, about his relationship with Ayers and Dohrn, including how Dohrn personally (in Grathwohl’s words) “had to plan, develop, and carry out the bombing of the [park] police station in San Francisco.” In that tragic action by the Weather Underground in February 1970, a young San Francisco police officer named Brian V. McConnell was killed.

When it was learned that Grathwohl was an informant, the Ivy League apparatchiks turned on him with a vengeance, posting his face on “WANTED” posters that they devised. Grathwohl was “wanted,” as it were, “for crimes against the people” as a “pig infiltrator.”

Bear in mind, Grathwohl’s accusers were genuinely violent people who countenanced murder as part of their standard work. These were serious threats that caused much grief in his life.

Nonetheless, Larry Grathwohl persevered. Before the U.S. Senate, Grathwohl bravely testified to the comrades’ willingness to kill innocents. He quoted Bill Ayers’ thoughts during a discussion on bombing a Red Barn restaurant: “We can’t protect all the innocent people in the world. Some will get killed. Some of us will get killed. We have to accept that.”

For the record, Ayers and Dohrn never served a minute of jail time for any of this. They would go on to Ivy League grad programs, tenured positions in academia, books on “social justice,” and, of course, giving their political blessing to Barack Obama in a chilling send-off in their Chicago living room in 1995. Today, the husband and wife are self-described “Progressives for Obama.” Not a single day in prison. As Ayers later celebrated, “Guilty as hell, free as a bird!”

If that makes you angry, consider this testimony from Larry Grathwohl, which he shared in a chilling 1982 documentary:

Grathwohl recalled a meeting he attended with 25 leaders of the Weather Underground. At this strategy session, he pressed his comrades for some specifics as to how they planned to manage the massive social-political American reengineering project they all desired. Grathwohl recounted their response:

I brought up the subject of what’s going to happen after we take over the government. You know, [once] we become responsible for administering, you know, 250 million people. And there was no answer. No one had given any thought to economics. How are you going to clothe and feed these people?

The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans, the North Vietnamese, the Chinese, and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States.

They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the “counter-revolution.” And they felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education in the [American] Southwest, where we would take all of the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.

I asked, “Well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t re-educate, that are diehard capitalists?” And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further, they estimated that they’d have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers. And when I say “eliminate,” I mean kill 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of whom have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people.

And they were dead serious.

Grathwohl’s deadly account shouldn’t really shock us. Keep in mind that these young revolutionaries, educated at America’s leading universities, many of whom today teach at universities, were diehard communists and moral relativists. They assumed and accepted that millions would need to die to usher in the “better world,” as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che, and on and on and on, had always said. The Weather Underground horde in particular was largely Maoist. Compared to Mao’s death toll of 60-70 million, 25 million dead Americans was quite small — actually, almost a third less than Mao’s giant killing field. So, really, in the communist mind, killing only 25 million American resisters was not so big of a deal.

The Weatherman’s talk of re-education centers, too, likewise should not come as a surprise. Such was fully in keeping with the Maoist-Red-Chinese-Vietnamese-Cambodian model that these young “revolutionaries” loudly trumpeted for years. The American Maoists were simply planning to carry out precisely what they had long advocated.

As Larry Grathwohl said, they were serious — yes, deadly serious.

Those words from Larry Grathwohl were shared some 30 years ago. Personally, I first met Larry quite unexpectedly in October 2010 at an event held at the National Press Club in Washington. I was there to give a presentation on my newly released book, Dupes, which documented the information I’ve noted above. The event was sponsored by Cliff Kincaid’s group America’s Survival. When I first arrived, Cliff said, “Come and meet Larry Grathwohl.” I was taken aback. “Larry Grathwohl is here?” I asked, incredulous. “Yeah,” said Cliff. “Come on.”

I was expecting to see the shady, undercover, ’70s-looking guy in the Weather Underground’s “WANTED” poster. That was my only association with the name of Larry Grathwohl. Instead, I saw a normal-looking (and older) guy, a humble and harmless and shy man who shook my hand and thanked me for my book. I was embarrassed. “You, thank me?” I said. “No, please. Let me thank you. I wrote a book in the safety and comfort of my office. You risked your life going undercover with monsters.” He shrugged off the compliment. He seemed nervous to be there, and, frankly, had the look of someone who had seen hell — who had been to hell and back.

I spoke to Larry again last July, at another event hosted by Cliff Kincaid’s group. We talked only for a few minutes, which, even then, was the longest I ever spoke to him face to face. What he told me in those few minutes would make your hair stand on end. I learned that he had actually attended (again, undercover) the hideous “War Council” held in Flint, Michigan on December 27, 1969. It, too, is worth remembering:

The event was attended by some 400 student troops from the SDS/Weathermen crowd. Among the ringleaders was student radical John Jacobs, who came up with a fitting slogan for the gathering: “We’re against everything that’s good and decent.”

That was precisely right, and was quickly made clear when an indecent Bernardine Dohrn grabbed the microphone and pumped up the faithful. True to form, the future childcare advocate at Northwestern University went on a scorching rant. She described the group’s mission: “We’re about being crazy motherf—ers and scaring the sh-t out of honky America!” The crowd roared.

Like at a radical revival meeting, Mark Rudd, the SDS-turned-Weather-Underground leader who had earlier shut down Columbia University, got caught up in the fervor: “It’s a wonderful feeling to hit a pig [a policeman]. It must be a really wonderful feeling to kill a pig or blow up something.”

Likewise moved by the spirit, Kathy Boudin, who was one of the few Weathermen who ultimately did jail time, declared all mothers of white children to be “pig mothers.” (For the record, all of the radicals were rich white kids exploiting and fomenting racial division in order to unravel America.) Invoking the unity of the Christmas season, Boudin led the brethren in a new rendition of Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas:” “I’m Dreaming of a White Riot….,” she sang. She then shouted about “doing some sh-t like political assassinations.” (Boudin, like Bill Ayers, would later be admitted to the graduate program in education at Columbia University.)

Those sentiments were just the tip of the iceberg, especially in terms of what Bernardine was thinking. The lovely Bernardine enlightened her comrades with her thoughts on the vicious Tate-LaBianca murders that had been recently executed by the satanic Charles Manson “family.” The future childcare advocate spoke excitedly about how the Manson family ripped open the dead Sharon Tate’s belly and shoved a fork inside, near the dying/dead infant in her womb. Dohrn thrilled:

Dig it! First they killed those pigs. Then they ate dinner in the same room with them. Then they even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!

One would like to say that this moment of bloody madness startled even the hardcore in that room, but that would not be accurate. The faithful, from Bernardine’s sweetheart, Bill Ayers, to everyone else in the hall, knew that Bernardine was serious — and they dug it. As Mark Rudd later reported, the assembled “instantly adopted as Weather’s salute four fingers held up in the air, invoking the fork left in Sharon Tate’s belly.”

This is not quite the flowery image of the children dancing with daisies captured by modern hagiographers and ’60s documentarians. Today, there is no Kodak moment of the four-finger salute thumb-tacked on the bulletin boards outside the office doors of the tenured radicals in their Ivy Towers, where idealistic education majors can take copious notes.

They “dug it,” alright — which brings me back to Larry Grathwohl and our conversation in Washington last July.

As we spoke about this particularly gruesome event, Grathwohl told me that he had been there and witnessed the entire spectacle. I noted that there has been some debate as to how much the rest of the room celebrated in Dohrn’s bloodlust. There’s an obvious reticence by the radicals to today step forward and admit they once celebrated the infamous four-finger salute. Bill Ayers has been asked to comment on the episode many times. The best face that Ayers has tried to put on the event is to claim that his sweetheart was being “ironic” or had employed “rhetorical overkill” (bad choice of words) or was speaking “partly as a joke” (but never fully). Among the radicals from that period who have investigated the incident is David Horowitz, himself a former communist who today is a leading conservative. Horowitz has set the record straight: “In 1980, I taped interviews with thirty members of the Weather Underground who were present at the Flint War Council, including most of its leadership. Not one of them thought Dohrn was anything but deadly serious.”

And so, when I asked Larry Grathwohl if Dohrn and the others were indeed serious, and whether the rest of the radicals had joined in the salute, he confirmed vigorously. “Absolutely!” he said. “No question. Remember, I was there. I saw it.” As further proof, he added a tidbit that made me nauseous: Larry said that the rest of the evening, as the peace-loving “flower children” danced, they gleefully danced with their fingers in the form of the four-finger salute, moving their arms up and down and back and forth, laughing joyfully. Larry demonstrated for me.

“Oh, my,” I muttered. “How awful.” “Oh, yes,” he replied. “It sure was.”

Somewhat speechless, I slowly remarked that I needed to sit down with Larry and get this kind of information on the record. He agreed, noting that there was so much more, all likewise sick and unbelievable. We agreed we would do that. Maybe next year.

Alas, for Larry, there will be no next year.

I was shocked last week to learn of Larry’s death in his late 60s. I got the news from Trevor Loudon, who had become a good friend of Larry. It’s sad news. Larry was too young, with too much left to tell us. He is survived by Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Kathy Boudin, and their comrades who today fundamentally transform the country that Larry risked his life for.

May Larry Grathwohl rest in peace, free from the torments he once endured in this often grotesque world. He now resides in a far better place, the complete opposite of the hell of the Weather Underground.

Some more video segments on Larry Grathwohl
