Posted on the 20 July 2014 by Savio Menezes
Hello everybody I am Savio Menezes the author of this blog. I was born in Sarzora Chinchinim Salcete Goa. (Sarzora is a small serene village of Salcete. Majority of people in Sarzora are Roman Catholics.) I am BCA graduate. I did my high school in Assumpta Convent High School Sarzora Goa. I did my eleventh and twelfth in Science Stream. I did my eleventh and twelfth in Rosary Higher Secondary Navelim Goa. I have lot of interest in computers. So I decided to do graduation in computers. I have Bachelor of Computer Applications degree. I did this graduation in Rosary College of Commerce and Arts Navelim Goa. I am a very religious person. From childhood I had I love religion. I am Christian. I am from Roman Catholic sect. I love go to church for masses on Sundays. During evening my family regularly pray rosary. I have sacraments such as baptism, confession, communion and confirmation. One problem is that in our own religion there are many sects. Each sect has their own teachings. These teachings contradict each other. Each sect says they are right. But they forget that only God is right. God has given His teaching. These teachings are recorded in Bible. Everything that Bible says is true. If any Christian sect’s teaching contradict Bible then its teaching is wrong. Now let us see what the purpose of my blog is. This blog previously had posts on various topics. But due to some reasons from now on this blog will contain only articles on Christianity. By this blog I will investigate teaching of every church. I will check that whether these teaching are of God or manmade. I know that it will hurt many sentiments of many people. But at last we have to please God not people. Remember times of Jesus Christ. He was God but He took human form and took weakness of humans. During that time He fought to vanish false and manmade teaching of Pharisees. He didn’t fear them. As a result he had to die on the cross. But what Jehovah did to Him? He resurrected on the third day. Remember what Martin Luther did during dark ages. He fought to remove corruption in the church. He didn’t fear for his life. He didn’t fear corrupt clergy. If they can do why can’t I do and you do. Remember we have to strive to gain resurrection during second coming of Jesus Christ and not to make world happy by remaining quiet and taking part in false Christianity. Some would say that only faith in Jesus Christ is necessary to save ourselves. This means that you can do anything you want. You can kill, rape, steal, commit adultery, lie, etc but only faith in Jesus Christ is necessary to save yourselves on last day. This is false teaching. I have read in the Bible that we must love each other. This is the second commandment that Jesus Christ gave. The first commandment is to worship only one true God. He said that if you have love each other then you will not lie, commit murder, adultery, robbery, etc. Remember commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Later in the Paul’s letters (I don’t remember which letter) but it is said that if you don’t love each other then you don’t know Jesus Christ. Then how could you believe in a person that you don’t know. This means that faith and works are necessary to enter in the kingdom of Heaven. See I have shown you one false teaching and corrected you about this teaching. Like this there are many false teaching spread by our some Christian brothers or brothers from other religions. Be ready to get surprised by knowing truth.