Abortions All Around!

By Guerrillamom @mariaguido
You know what the world needs?  More abortions.
Yes, this world that we are currently living in is in dire need of more abortions.  I’m not happy about it either.  It’s just a fact.
With Republican politicians and policymakers turning against sex education, birth control funding, and general common sense – the only other alternative to birthing a child that you can’t afford or don’t want - is abortion.  Pretty funny that the very thing the GOP candidates are rallying so hard against, is the only option that will remain if they get their way.  De- funding of Planned Parenthood, abstinence only sex education – these things will make abortion very popular in these parts.
So abortions all around everyone!  Hip, hip, hooray!  The pro-life movement has given us no other choice.  Which is kind of ironic, isn’t it? If they get their way, there will certainly be women dying. Their precious fetuses will be dying, too - at the hands of whatever new-fangled method women will be forced to concoct to unsafely execute control over a termination that should be safely and medically happening. 
But the pro-lifers don’t care about that.  They care about the babies, the babies, the poor precious babies!  Well, we all know that’s not true.  They care about the fetus.  And they care about telling women what to do with said fetus.  Birth it!  After that, eh, we don’t care so much.  You and your unwanted baby can ride freely into the sunset.  Doesn’t that sound great? 
This movement is not pro-life.  It’s pro-birth.  They don’t give a shit about life.  If they did, their movement would look so different.  If it really was about the babies, the poor precious babies they would put their time and effort into ending hunger, improving education and generally making our world a better place for all these babies they insist be born.  But we all know that’s not going to happen. That would be a hand out.  Republicans hate spending tax dollars on things that matterhandouts. Why should we help these women?  No one told them to keep having so many babies!
Um, yes you did. 
I’m with Bill Clinton when he says, “Abortions should be safe, legal and rare.”  I really believe they would be rare, if there was more and earlier sex education outreach, more funding for Planned Parenthood and less pushing of the ridiculous abstinence-only education platform.  Stop calling it abstinence-only education.  There is no education involved in just telling someone to say No.  As the parent of a toddler, I can tell you how far just telling someone No will get you.  Not very. 
Pro-lifers love to paint pictures of women flippantly scheduling abortions into their schedules between a mani-pedi and happy hour.  Pro-choice advocates don’t love abortion, as the right would have you believe.  They realize it is a necessary medical option.  And women don't use abortions as birth control, either.  Would you rather brush your teeth, or get a root canal?  
Yup, our world definitely needs more abortions.  But we’re not the ones making it that way.