Abomination by S. Cu Anam Policar: Spotlight

By Lauriej
 In honor of Ostara, S. Cu'Anam Policar is having a special 3 day sale for Abomination!
The sale begins at midnight on March 19 and runs until midnight on March 22
Pick up your copy of Abomination (The Ways of the Pack Book1) for the limited time price of $0.99!  Title: Abomination
A Legend of Xosha Novel
Saga: Howl of Wolves book 2
Series: The Ways of the Pack book 1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Author: S. Cu’Anam Policar
Publisher: Wolf Paw Publications
Cover: Wolf Paw Designs
Release: December 12, 2013
 Amazon Amazon (Print) B&N (Print) Smashwords CreateSpace The Book Depository Goodreads
 **This book contains course language, sex, death,
and at least one scene some may find offensive.
 It is not recommended for readers under the age of 18**
 I didn’t ask to be what I am.I didn’t ask to be created.Everyday my very blood wars against itself.They don’t understand.They didn’t save me.They only turned me into an Abomination.Born a wolf, created to be a monster. Katalina DarkLaw, daughter of the DarkLaw pack alpha, finds herself losing more and more of who she is with every day that passes. Leaving behind a trail of murder and blood, she flees from her pack, right into the arms of Silver Von’Dyre, perpetual bachelor and alpha of Von’Dyre pack.
Will his faith in her be enough to save her? Or will she become the monster she fears she already is?
 Silver’s PoVI scooted up the bed and rested my back against the headboard before I pulled her closer to me, letting her lay her head in my lap. My right arm lightly ran up and down her back, while the left ran through her silky tresses.“It will be alright Kitten. We’ll get through this. I promise.” And we would. No matter what I had to do to make that happen.“You called me ‘Kitten’.” She said almost surprised.I arched a brow in her direction. “I always call you ‘Kitten’.”I felt her shake her head on my lap. “You didn’t call me that when you left before. You called me Katalina. I thought you were mad at me.”I stopped stroking her hair and lifted her chin to make her look at me. I was propped up too much and she had to shift herself to reach my eye level with a hand placed delicately on my shoulder. “Never think I’m mad at you. You haven’t done anything, willingly, to make me mad at you.”She looked at me curiously and asked. “You mean it?”I gave her my crooked smirk. “Of course I mean it.”She smiled at me then and I really couldn’t resist. My left hand remained under her chin for the time being and I leaned forward and let my lips find hers.She took a sharp intake of breath before her eyes slid shut and she returned the kiss the almost shyly.Katalina was such a paradigm to me. I knew I would never figure her out, just like I knew, I could never be without her. She was who my heart and soul belonged to. 

 S.Cu'Anam Policar was born in Brooklyn, NY, but now lives in Washington State. The Mother of three she makes time to write, usually late at night.An avid reader, she not only writes but helps promote other authors with blog tours and reviews of their books.
She is Pagan but respects all religions and believes everyone should celebrate their similarities and not worry about their differences.When she has the time, she enjoys playing video games, horseback riding, singing, and writing things short stories.
Also the founder of Wolf Paw Publications, she believes quality work shouldn’t cost an author an arm and leg. And while her prices are competitive, the quality of her work shines through.
She absolutely loves to make new friends so don't be afraid to come by and say hi on facebook.  Author Links:
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Publishers: Wolf Paw Publications Satalyte Publishing