ABC Film Challenge – World Cinema – S – The Square (2017) Movie Rob’s Pick

By Newguy

If you want to read more of Movie Rob’s reviews, head over here.

“If you place an object in a museum does that make this object a piece of art? ” – Christian

Number of Times Seen – 1 (19 May 2021)

Brief Synopsis – A museum curator has his life upturned after losing his wallet and cellphone, presumably by a pickpocket.

My Take on it – This is a film that I’ve been interested in seeing for years, but the fact that I’m not the biggest fan of foreign language films always kept me far away.

The story itself is a mess and they try too hard to cram so many different ideas into this story that things come across so disjointed.

The mix between the various cultures in the story is applauded because it adds to the way things flow.

The story unfortunately gets a bit too complex along the way which hurts things a bit too much.

There are parts of the story that are far too esoteric for their own good and makes things even more confusing to watch unfold.

The film is 2 and a half hours long and moves along a bit too slowly and fails to keep things enjoyable as the story tries to move along.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Ruben Östlund won the Palme d’Or for this movie, marking the first time a predominantly Swedish production received the honor since The Best Intentions (1992) in 1992 and the first time a Swedish director won since Alf Sjöberg for Miss Julie (1951). (From IMDB)

Rating – BAFTA Worthy (5/10)