ABC Film Challenge – World Cinema – O – Operation Chromite (2016)

By Newguy

Director: John H Lee

Writer: Man-Hee Lee (Screenplay) John H Lee, Sean Dulake (English Dialogue)

Starring: Jung-jae Lee, Liam Neeson, Beom-su Lee, Matthre Darcy, Sean Dulake, Jun-ho Jeong, Se-Yeon Jin, Justin Rupple

Plot: A squad of soldiers fight in the Korean War’s crucial Battle of Incheon.

There may be spoilers the rest of the review

Verdict: Good Little History Lesson

Story: Operation Chromite starts as UN Commander a Chief Douglas MacArthur (Neeson) putting South Korean soldiers led by Jang Hak-soo (Jung-jae Lee) undercover to work with the North Korean General Lim Gye-jin (Beom-su Lee) to learn the best way to attack Incheon one of the most difficult location to provide an invasion on, against the wishes of the other military beliefs.

We follow how the mission to get the plans out unfolds as MacArthur does everything to keep power in the UN to make this operation one of his most memorable and iconic success of his career.

Thoughts on Operation Chromite

Characters – Jang Hak-soo is the South Korean spy that after the war agrees to help the Americans destroy the North Korean reign of terror. He leads his men well with honor and won’t leave them behind. Lim Gye-jin is the man trying to protect Incheon from the invasion, he will kill any traitors that get to close as he is ready for the battle that is heading his way. Douglas MacArthur is the man holding the mission Chromite, one of the most iconic Generals in American history and now he looks to defeat the Koreans in a way no one would expect.

PerformanceThe performances from the whole cast are good through the film, be it from the Korean side of the battle or the American.

StoryThe story shows us how Operation Chromite was completed, while you do feel moments of this are fictionalised the main story does seem to feel true. We get to see how the men risk their own lives to make this happen in one of the most ambitious military moves of all time. This does have the emotion when it comes to see the sacrifices made but does also fall into the problem of if it was based on the real events how do we know what these people were doing at that time.

Action/History/WarThe action is very entertaining, being big in most places with close gun fire or war scale battles, the history lesson learnt does feel like building on the facts which is of one of the biggest war operations of all time

SettingsThe settings all come off looking genuine through the film as we see the different battle fronts that the men come up against.

Scene of the Movie – Take the hostage.

That Moment That Annoyed Me It doesn’t feel completely accurate.

Final ThoughtsThis is a watchable war movie that tackles the serious side of the events even if things do come off slightly fictionalised.

Overall: Good war film.

