ABC Film Challenge – What I Enjoyed in 2017 – B

By Newguy

What I Enjoyed in 2017


This month I won’t be doing reviews at all, just a small discussion to what I enjoyed last year, you will be able to find my reviews by following the link HERE


Blade Runner 2049

Why I’ve Picked this choiceIt has been decades since the first Blade Runner, this time we have a new hero investigating what is meant to be impossible which takes him over the stunning visual world. This is a mystery film that does keep you guessing with plenty of Easter Eggs to the previous film too. We have a return of an old favorite in Harrison Ford and Rick Deckard which is what we have been seeing a lot recently. For me this film was a film that didn’t have a pointless scene which is often rare in film, even though the film is long I just wanted more too.

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