ABC Film Challenge – Thriller – A – Atomic Blonde (2016) Movie Rob’s Pick

By Newguy

Head over to Movie Rob’s site for more reviews here.

“You know those movies where the picture just starts to slow down… and melt? Then catch fire? Well, that’s Berlin.” – Lorraine Broughton

Number of Times Seen – 1 (1 Jun 2021)

Brief Synopsis – A British agent is sent undercover into Cold War Berlin during the mid-1980’s in order to recover a stolen list of deep cover operatives.

My Take on it – Movie with great action sequences that feels a bit too unoriginal in the way that the plot and story play out.

Charlize Theron once again proves that she is the female Keanu Reeves and can hold her own in any kind of battle on screen and she does is so effectively here.

The story is fast paced and moves along swiftly in order to keep things flowing the whole way through.

Theron is helped here by a fun supporting cats that includes James MacAvoy, John Goodman, Toby Jones, Eddie Marsan and Sofia Boutella.

The overall premise of a secret list of deep cover operatives getting stolen has been used and used and reused so many times that it’s about time that someone would think of a more original back story for spy thrillers that sounds just as plausible.

Theron’s acting skills are great here because she allows her character to take on so many different kind of roles and personas along the way that helps keep things so enjoyable to watch unfold.

The twists and turns are also great and help add to the suspense of the story especially when they throw a few nice surprises at the audience along the way to help keep things a bit more ambiguous as it all progresses.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The key fight sequence that unfolds in a real Berlin building lasts for almost 10 minutes in what appears to be an unbroken take when, in fact, the sequence comprises almost 40 separate shots seamlessly stitched together. Though filmed chronologically from start to finish, nearly half the splices needed some degree of CGI assistance. Swish-pans provided the simplest solutions for smooth cuts and door frames provided vertical seams for smoothly bridging some segments. (From IMDB)

Rating – BAFTA Worthy (6/10)