ABC Film Challenge – Sci-Fi – B – Beast of the Bearing Sea (2013)

By Newguy

Director: Don E FauntLeRoy

Writer: Brook Durham (Screenplay)

Starring: Cassandra Scerbo, Jonathan Lipnicki, Kevin Dobson, Jaqueline Fleming, Brandon Beemer

Plot: The brother and sister in this movie are twins, they have a special thing going on.

Runtime: 1 Hour 26 Minutes

There may be spoilers the rest of the review

Verdict: The Best Sea Vampire Movie & the Worst

Story: Beast of the Bering Sea starts with the Hunter family, father Glenn (Dobson) and children Joe (Lipnicki) and Donna (Scerbo) leading their latest expedition into the Bering Sea in search for treasure only for Jonas (Papajohn) to be attacked underwater.

Looking to continue their treasure hunting Donna, Joe are joined by deck hand Owen Powers (Beemer) and scientist Megan Arthur (Fleming) as they must learn how to fight sea vampires, a local legend that isn’t so much of legend. Now they must fight these creatures before they spread around the world.

Thoughts on Beast of the Bering Sea

Characters – Donna is the daughter of the family, she is cold hearted and only trusts family when it comes to conducting business. She does try to stay on top the situation while dealing with an aggressive rival. Joe is the reckless brother of Donna that always enjoys the fun side of the diving never the preparations. Megan Arthur is a scientist that sees this new species as something in need of studying to learn their weaknesses before getting ready to see them as a threat.

PerformancesThis is a low budget Sci-Fi movie, we know the performances are not going to be great, Cassandra Scerbo is the highlight of the cast after being the best thing in the Sharknado movies and brings another strong performance.

StoryThe story follows divers that must take on sea vampires after disturbing their nest and giving them a taste for human blood. While we know the story is never going to be the deepest here, we have enough to let us know what we are up against and giving us enough disposable characters to let the creatures get their fill. We do have random jumps in the story which seem to avoid showing us big moments in the story.

Action/Horror/Sci-FiThe action is fighting off the sea vampires which could be classed as the horror creatures the film needs to keep us interested, the sci-fi side of the film comes from the potential fictional creatures.

SettingsThe film takes place of the coast of the Bering Sea, which works for the title of the film, but he reality it this could be any coastal village.

Special EffectsThe effects are the low budget type, which can look bad, but if you watch with the right mind you should get enough out of them.

Scene of the Movie –
First explosion of Sea Vampire.

That Moment That Annoyed Me The forced character developed slows the pace down too often.

Final ThoughtsThis is a low budget sci-fi movie, you know what you will get, it will be fun enough just don’t take it too seriously.

Overall: Simple sci-fi film.

