ABC Film Challenge – Romance – T – Titanic (1997) Movie Rob’s Pick

By Newguy

This is Movie Rob’s pick, head over to his site for his many reviews[as Jack sketches her in the nude] “I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can’t imagine Monsieur Monet blushing.” – Rose

[amused by her comment, focusing more on the sketching, denying his blushing, remindering her] “He does landscapes.” – Jack

Number of Times Seen – Too many times to count (Theater, video, DVD, 7 Jul 2013, 6 Sep 2015, 24 Feb 2016, 27 Feb 2017 and 12 Nov 2017 and 3 Sep 2018)

Link to original review – HereHereHereHere and Here

Brief Synopsis – On the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic, a young vagabond and an engaged upper class young girl fall in love and must try and stay together to survive as the ship begins to sink.

My Take on it – As soon as I saw the theme for this month’s ABC challenge by Darren, I knew that this film would be among my choices.

I have loved this film ever since I first saw it over two decades ago and that has so much to do with the fact that IMHO, this is one of the best films depicting a very realistic romantic relationship between its characters.

The love story between the two central characters is developed extremely well throughout the film and the fact that they take their time helping us get acquainted with them (as well as with each other) is so helpful in making this seem even more believable he entire time.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are both superbly cast here and the chemistry between them is so easy to feel the entire time.

James Cameron is a stickler for detail and he was able to make a film that relies so heavily on its attention to details that it makes everything about the ship, its passengers and the events of this disaster look so thought out that it gives even more gravitas to the whole premise.

They are able to make us understand and feel what kind of life was lived aboard such a ship for both the rich and the poor respectively.

I love the fact that this film isn’t merely a love story but manages to keep things interesting as a thriller too because there are so many scenes that help make things feel even more exciting and thrilling as things move along.

The score (and Oscar winning song by Celine Dion) by James Horner adds a new dimension to the story and it helps make the story feel even more exciting and breathtaking throughout the whole film.

This film won 11 (of 13) Oscar nominations and is quite deserving of being one of only three films to ever have won that many awards.

This is among my favorite films and it’s so thrilling to watch it whenever I can.

I can’t wait to see it again soon!

Bottom Line – Excellent film that does an amazing job making the love story between the two main characters feel so realistic. They take their time developing the characters and slowly build up their relationship to a point where it is quite believable that such a love can truly happen. Winslet and DiCaprio are both superb in the leads and the chemistry between them is amazingly portrayed every step of the way. This film’s attention to details is what makes it near perfect and we get a clear sense of what life must have been like aboard this famed ship.  The story is mainly a love story about two very diverse people yet it still manages to keep things exciting and thrilling as the impending doom inches closer and closer. The music by James Horner adds so much to this film and helps keep things even more thrilling and breathtaking the entire time. This film won 11 Oscars and is quite deserving of being one of the three films to ever receive that many awards. This film is among my all time favorite movies and always keeps my adrenaline pumping no matter how often I get the chance of watching it.  Can’t wait to see it once again. Highly Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia –  James Cameron instructed the actors playing the officers to keep order amongst the extras in the sinking scenes. Jonny Phillips ad-libbed the moment when he whips around with the gun and shouts “keep back, or I’ll shoot you all like dogs!” After the take, James Cameron ran up to him and told him it was great and to do it again, and Phillips asked “What did I say?”, having been too caught up in the moment to realize what he was doing. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (10/10) (no change from original review)


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