ABC Film Challenge – Joseph Gordon-Levitt Month – F

By Newguy

ABC Film Challenge

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Month


Free Thinking – HitRecord

This month I will be picking acting performances from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, one of my favorite actors, I am making this like a suggestion post, there will be no reasons for my suggestions, just making one per letter, with links to any reviews to be found here.

This is one that does deserve extra explaining, This is an open website Joe has worked on for years, it encourages talent to put forward their work to work with other talent minds to create a range of projects, from short films, animation, book, stories, music etc. the site encourages people to work together meaning a musician could make a new sound, that could work with an animator and a story teller for new short story. This helps bring so much talent together which is important for the community moving forward.
