ABC Film Challenge – Action – C – The Contractor (2022) Movie Rob’s Pick

By Newguy

Head over to Movie Rob’s site for more reviews here.

“How did he do it?” – James

“What do you mean? He died in his sleep” – Mike

Number of Times Seen – 1 (3 Apr 2022)

Brief Synopsis – A discharged soldier looking for work, gets a job working for a contract agency and is sent on a dangerous mission to Berlin.

My Take on it – This film is one that I had high hopes for.

I wanted it to find a way to break the mold of these kind of films but unfortunately, it follows all of the normal tropes of the genre and fails to give the viewer anything special.

The fact that it has an all star cast with Chris Pine, Ben Foster and (a bearded) Kiefer Sutherland also gave me hope but I was shocked that they all signed on for this film despite none of their roles being able to elevate the story at all.

The film starts off feeling patriotic, yet turns in to a typical cat and mouse chase where it seems all too clear what is truly happening.

The action scenes are ok, but never really make things feel more powerful as things move along in a very predictable manner.

It’s too bad tho that many of the aspects of this story feel a bit too realistic in the crazy world that we all now live in.

There aren’t enough twists and turns along the way that would help make things more thrilling and that’s quite a shame.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – This is the third film Chris Pine and Ben Foster have acted in together. The first two are–The Finest Hour and Hell or High Water. (From IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy (2/10)