A Young Mum Feels Guilty About Her Situation

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

There is no such thing as a perfect parenting and imperfect parent is the best we can hope to be. Today a young mom feels guilty about the situation she has found herself here.

A Young Mum Feels Guilty

I’m only 17 and my daughter and I don’t even have a place of our own, I live at home with my mum, step-dad and big brother. I don’t have a job but I’m at college full time. She goes to nursery 2 and half days a week (comes to just under £100) and that gets paid by the government.

I don’t have the most money in the world so I can’t get her the things she wants, but people keep telling me she’s 14 months she doesn’t WANT anything, she has the things she needs. I’m no longer with her dad and I always said  when I had children I wanted them to have a proper family, not a naffy broken one like mine (my parents separated and divorced when I was 8/9 and I didn’t see my dad for 3 years, he didn’t know how to come back into my life after he’d left once).

When my daughter was just over 2 months old we separated for the first time was only for a week but we got back together, then when she was just under 6 month we separated for good.

There’s 50 miles between us, and when we were together we’d take it in turn going to each other’s houses, he’d come here, I’d go there with my little girl so his family could see her. Now she hardly sees his side of the family and he can only make it over every other week. I don’t want it getting to the point where she doesn’t know them

I feel guilty buying myself things, my daughter has everything she needs and more but I still don’t like the fact of spending money on myself. Sometimes I get so stressed, I just want 5 minutes to myself, I blame her dad because I have it 24/ he spends a few hours every other week.

I know she’s only young but that doesn’t stop me getting stressed when she has bad days. That’s the thing I feel most guilty about, especially when she’s ill, because she can’t tell me what’s wrong with her using words I have to try and guess. I feel guilty because I don’t think I’ll be able to provide for her, I want her to have a great childhood, a happy one and I hate thinking I might not be able to give that to her.

Sent into the blog by a young mom who feels guilty – what do you say readers do we all feel guilty at times?