A Year of Stitches – Days 1-26

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Having stuck to one of my new year plans (not I'm not using the word resolution) for nearly a month I thought I would share it with you. The project isn't called '1 Year of Stitches' and the idea is that you do some embroidery every day and post your progress in social media. There are no rules. I am following the approach taken by the originators of idea and just sewing whatever I feel like. I want to develop my more creative side, use my imagination etc as most of my sewing is done through kits. Others have worked out designs which they are doing a bit of each day. If you want to have a look at others check out #1yearofstitches or @1yearofstitches on instagram. If you are interested in taking part there is a Facebook page you can join.