A Year in Photos: Saturday – Black and White St Andrews

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

Today is the final post of A Year in Photos, ending a week of posts celebrating the first birthday of Contemplating the Clouds. Throughout this week we’ve had cakes, Munros, ice skating, lobsters, buildings, gin and snow (to name but a few); but now we’ve reached the final part of the saga – my love of black and white photos, and of St Andrews.

Having lived there for the majority of the time I’ve been writing this blog St Andrews has, unsurprisingly, featured with great regularity. Black and white photos have also appeared fairly constantly too, so in honour of this (and because I really like these photos) here are the final two photos.

The first of the photos was taken on the day of the Procession, in April, however, I used it in the post before, so it could stand alone. St Salvator’s was published on the 17th April. St Salvator’s Chapel – or Sallies Chapel, as it’s more commonly known – is the oldest surviving building of the University and is located in the main quadrangle, off North Street. The chapel tower, one of the tallest structures in the town, is a notable landmark on the town’s ever welcoming skyline.

Our final stop on this whistle-stop tour of the year comes from the 20th June and The First Few Days. This post represents one of a series (the only continuous series I’d done, before this week) about graduation week. This series follows my friends and I through our final days together in the Bubble. Doing various things around town we’d never got round to doing, the final days before we graduated, our graduation, and the end of an era, when we were no longer undergraduates of by “far and a way the best university in the world” (HRH Prince William, Feb 2011). Somehow I had never got round to climbing St Rule’s Tower (in the grounds of the cathedral) during my four years of studying, and so it was one of the final things we did. This photo is taken looking North west from the top of the tower, out past the cathedral, to the castle and West Sands, the golf courses and the mountains in the distance. It is one of my favourite views of all time.

And there we have it. Those are twelve of my favourite photos that have appeared on the blog. I chose them from the 400 odd that have appeared here over the past twelve months for fairly selfish reasons, but also because I think they are a fairly good representation of the last twelve months. I hope you’ve enjoyed the seven posts of this series as much as I have and that you approve of my choice of photos. If you want to see any of them again there will be a special page with all twelve ‘A Year in Photos‘ photos on it as of tomorrow. If you like what you have seen, then I hope you will come back and read more of the blog soon (there’s a link to subscribe on the right hand side, near the top).


There’s just one last thing. This series wouldn’t be quite complete without my favourite photo of all. It is, of course, my header photo. I waxed lyrical about it in the 100th post back in August, so if you’d like to know the details please look there. Otherwise, just sit back and contemplate the clouds with me…