A Word for the Demagogues

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.”
– Leviticus 19:15

The Bible has plenty to say in defense of the poor, but it also says things in defense of the rich!


We often see our politicians demagoguing about this and that for the poor. We also see the “Occupy” movement decrying the “rich” (usually their own wealthy parents) for all their perceived crimes. And lately another duplicitous group called “Black Lives Matter” has been out there bullying anyone who has the audacity to say “All lives matter.” Let’s not even start with the new wave of gay fascists, and their late exploits.

Well, here in Leviticus, the Lord has made it very clear that anything like our entitlements culture in America is on a very corrupt foundation. 

So to all you lying, cheating, tax-fattened weasels out there we say, “We’ve got your number.” You don’t have an honest care for the poor. You don’t hold any moral high ground. You are nothing but opportunists with a self-serving agenda.