A Winner! And A LOT of Work!

By Forayintofood @ForayIntoFood

Jessica claimed her jam!  She couldn’t choose between the Watermelon Lime and the Blueberry Lime, so I sent her both.  Congratulations, Jessica!

Here are the jams Jessica had to choose from.

Today is a busy day at my house.  I’m processing my 20 pounds of Zaycon Ground Beef.  I’m so pleased with the quality!  I will DEFINITELY buy it again. I’ll be posting about my ground beef adventures very soon.  :)  I want to send you all a big “THANK YOU!”  So many of you offered great suggestions for what to do with my beef (and my oranges).  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

These are huge tubes of beef! 10 pounds each!

Don’t know what Zaycon is?  It’s a fabulous company which provides top quality meat and other products for an excellent price (a little less than my Costco) direct to consumers throughout the USA.  If you want to know more, please visit their website by clicking here.  I strongly encourage you to sign up to receive their emails if you like what you see and read.  There is never an obligation to buy, but you receive first notice of the items being sold in your area.  Most things around here sell out long before the orders are delivered, so I can’t often do a last minute order, because there are limited quantities of everything.

Thanks again for all your help and for reading my blog.  I hope that you find some useful information presented in a helpful way.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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