A Weekend of Weeding

By Sue15cat

Yesterday on the post about the guys coming and fixing the road sign you may have spotted the newly weeded and planted up flower bed on the inside of our driveway fence.  
Lovely Hubby worked his socks off over the Bank Holiday weekend finishing off what I had barely made a dent in.  It was heavy going with long grass growing after us scattering it last year on a breezy day, as well as lots of deep rooted and flourishing weeds.

To give you an idea of what it looked like I have dug out this photo taken in early April, so you can imagine what another month of Welsh rain and intermittent sunshine had done to it, it was about to set seed again and if it was a bigger space a combine would have had a good bale of hay!

Now it's looking good from every angle and once the plants fill out a bit and start to flower it should look lovely.  All these plants have been taken from the pots and tubs from the back of the house, and the lavenders and other things that I grew from plug plants bought last year that over-wintered in the net tunnel.

And with the bark chippings now in place, any weeds that dare to show their faces will be dealt with very quickly.  We don't intend to have to go through all that hard labor again!!

Now I only have to avert my eyes from the bed in front of the house  ;-)
Sue xx