A Week Through the Lense NIKON D5300 DSLR

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h
Travelling Adelaide a little while ago with the family on a road trip was an absolute handful of fun, and it was all captured to the just as amazing Nikon D5300 DSLR.

I have a DSLR (or should I say HAD- it decided to cark it one afternoon) but it was like a peasant compared to this amazing Queen on cameras, I am not even kidding nothing will EVER compare.
I wouldn't say that I am a camera or technology whizz, but I have had a DSLR for a very long time now and have learnt to see through the lense and see a different angle on photos.

What better way to show you how amazing this camera is then through the lens.... 

Our First stop on the way to Adelaide was at Pink Lake, which is literally on the side of the freeway and I place I recommend anybody with a love for the outdoors to stop at! My girls loved it, and YES Hayley did load her bag up with Pink Salt.

On the second day we finally made it to Bordertown and decided we would stop for lunch with the peacocks and white kangaroo's- money cannot buy those smiles. 
 Nikon even shared Easter with us in South Australia, we also watched the Solar eclipse take place here. 
The giant rocking horse, I think the Nikon was afraid of heights :-) 
Animal love at the giant Rocking Horse Wildlife park, which only cost $1 to go in and $2 for a decent sized bag of food, if you love animals you must stop off here. 

Of course we had to visit Jacob's Creek, where Mummies favorite drop of wine is made. 
Handorf is a German village that is plonked on the outskirts of Adelaide and is like entering another country. We ate the best meals here, and almost wished that we could have stayed a night in this lovely village. 
Once I got my confidence up with the Nikon D5300 I decided to play with the settings a little and take some more daring and playful photos. The color and clarity you get with this camera is very much off the charts and really incomparable to any other camera my hands have come into contact with. 
If you aren't not confident with cameras though, this DSLR was pretty easy to learn and if I couldn't work something out or wanted to learn something I would just turn to youtube to help me out. 
Here are the more creative photos I took playing with the settings. 
The Willy Wonka like Sinkhole in Mount Gambier. Princess' holding handsWaterfall Gardens VIC12 Apostles on the way homeThis is a photo that now lives on the walls of my house, so thank you Nikon :0) Those clouds in Apollo Bay were ready to open up on us while eating lunch!