A Week Of Learning And New Experiences

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
  1. Maxwell is a lot more affectionate
  2. Maxwell's speech continues to improve
  3. We are preparing for our Birthdays and Christmas
  4. Maxwell has a new coat and shoes
  5. Maxwell  has learnt to skid
This week has seen Maxwell be a lot more affectionate. Maxwell will come up and give you a kiss and cuddle, especially at bedtime. It is such a nice thing to see and for him to do. This week has also seen a new side of Maxwell which means he has been sharing a lot.
I have always worried that Maxwell was slow at speaking however this week has showed us that Maxwell is picking up speaking well. Maxwell has always understood what we say to him however he is very lazy at speaking. I hope by Christmas he will be saying a lot more words. I can not wait to have a full conversation with him.
As some of our readers know mine and Maxwell's birthdays fall in December. We have spent the weekend writing our gift lists and I have been buying wrapping paper and cards for Maxwell. December also brings Christmas which I must say I am already well prepared for. I  have been shopping and buying all year for the big special occasion so I have not got a lot more to buy. We are really excited about December.
This week I went out and bought Maxwell some new shoes and a new coat for the winter. If there is one thing I like to see in the winter is a child well dressed and not cold. Maxwell has some new shoes which are trainer/boot style which will keep his feet very warm and he has a new red coat which looks fantastic with his jeans.
This week Maxwell had a lot of fun skidding around our home using a DVD case. I am sure he would love a scooter but due to the cold weather I think I will hold off buying him one until the summer. View the video below to see all Maxwell's fun!